Update (I’m alive)

Well I’ll just post an update since I feel I’ve been gone for awhile. So first off, I’m alive.

Secondly, I kinda forgot about DSSM for a bit since I’ve uploaded in bulk, I’ve been reading TMW and re-reading TDG in English during this time. Image result for oregairu tehepero

I’ve had quite an enjoyable time reading TMW but I do have problems with the pacing and the difficulty level the author set but those are just my opinions.

So currently, I’ve just started school again, and tbh my life is just going to get busier as it goes on from now on. Currently I’m waiting for DSSM to be cleaned, then I’ll TL them of course, 63 concludes arc 1.

Then here’s the thing, I’m not sure if I’ll continue and if I do, at what pace. Arc 2 doesn’t interest me that much and I don’t really know about arc 3, and sometimes I don’t know where this is going. I’ll probably re-read DSSM from arc 2 all over again and make a decision then.

So these are my thoughts currently and what’s going on, I’ll probably do another update on my decision after I finish 63, depending on how my school projects and lessons go. Hope you guys have a nice day and thanks for reading and following the blog ^^ don’t worry this isn’t some last farewell words

14 thoughts on “Update (I’m alive)

  1. Thanks for thinking of us =)

    Don’t worry we’ll be here when your ready to get back to the grind but till then don’t fell like you have to rush


  2. 🎶 Hello Darkness My Old Friend 🎶

    ……..Mr Snail……

    Mr Snail *tears start falling* i miss you and the (18+ teasing pictures that Ninja Pervert might nose bleed for) chapters that you post!

    *blows noise while crying 😢*


  3. Hey mr rikk loved to start reading a new manga and happened to be yours, unfortunatly japanese/chinese aint a language which i can learn in my country and as such i admire your work. I would love to read more of dssm but besides you no one grabbed the project. I dont know shit about it but would you be willing o continue if u were to get any help? Never did anything of this kind but my interest in this world is great, im in university i understand the time problems. Well thx for the work, compliments from Portugal.


    1. Hey Kanthus, thanks for commenting ^^
      Basically I’m kinda willing to continue without any more help, but I’ve been sleep deprived and my schedule is really terrible atm, translating DSSM only requires cleaning, translating and typesetting. I already have help in cleaning so I don’t need anymore. Thank you for your offer but I’ll get back to translating when I feel like it and I’ll probably put up a page asking for someone to take over when I’m going to drop it ^^


    1. Haha it’s less of overworking and more of doing my other hobbies ^^
      Yeah, when I caught up I went straight to the raws to read it, the thing is the update speed of TDG raw is slower than me…. Well the author has stuff going on in his life too like his newborn baby so yeah :/ sucks that it happened as I caught up
      Thank you ^^


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